The Hanoi National University Faculty of Economics and Management hosted a scientific seminar on March 16, 2023, with the topic “Does private sector development increase inequality: Evidence in Vietnam,” in Room 601 of the Trinh Van Bo Campus.
The participants of the seminar were Mr. Le Van Dao(the main speaker), Dr. Tran Cong Thanh(the chair), members from the Faculty of Economics and Management, as well as interested lecturers and students.
At the beginning of the seminar, speaker Le Van Dao explained the reason for choosing the topic, the scope of the research, the research method and more importantly, the new contributions of the topic.
Throughout the research, he has spent a lot of time collecting and analyzing data on private sector development in provinces and cities across the country, as well as data on workers’ income levels over a 20-year period. After analyzing the connection between these two subjects, the speaker presented several perspectives on sustainable development in the economy, giving the audience more resources to further explore the subject in the future.

Next, speaker Le Van Dao shared more deeply about the variable, the research model and the research results through charts, so that the participants could better understand the relationship between private sector development and equality in people’s income.

The discussion was vibrant, and the speaker addressed all questions well. The topic has been rated as realistic and interesting. Le Quang Dao, the speaker, underlined the importance of sustainable development in Vietnam in general and in each locality in particular.
In the coming time, the Faculty of Economics and Management will conduct more seminars on a variety of topics to strengthen the sharing and connection in teaching and scientific research among the faculty members and the lecturers of the International School as well as other interested scientists.
Bui Vu Luong
Faculty of Economics and Management
The Faculty of Economics and Management, International School – Vietnam National University (VNU) hosted a scientific seminar on April 18, 2023, with the theme “Digital and creative capacity to enhance business efficiency and create differentiated strategies based on corporate social responsibility (CSR).”
Dr. Le Huong Linh and Dr. Bui My Trinh, lecturers of the Faculty of Economics and Management, are the speakers. They have strong research ability and many international publications on the fields of economics and administration such as corporate governance and application of information technology in enterprises.

The seminar’s theme is one of the most important ones right now, especially as businesses build their internal capabilities to handle the external problems brought on by digitization and the COVID-19 situation. Dr. Le Huong Linh and Dr. Bui My Trinh presented the research findings on how businesses leverage their digital and creative prowess to improve performance during the pandemic and boost corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities. With SMEs in Vietnam as its research focus, a two-step analysis was undertaken for the study. Firstly, the data of 151 enterprises in Vietnam is collected and qualitatively analyzed to understand their digital capabilities and export performance. Then, Smart PLS version 3 was used for extensive quantitative data analysis of 329 SMEs in various industries.

This study adds to theories of dynamic capacities with implications for creating digital and creative capabilities to improve performance and unique CSR strategies for addressing external issues, particularly during global pandemics. The study also contributes to the literature on CSR by presenting CSR as a corporate objective or voluntary activity rather than as a means of enhancing corporate performance. It also gives internationalization researchers, policymakers, and practitioners a platform to confront challenges and overcome barriers, improve their digital and creative skills, engage in digital platform participation, and profit from global marketing, global retail, and CSR activities.
Within the framework of the seminar, the participants had a lively discussion about the novelty and practical significance of this research in Vietnam; namely, how to calculate sample size, how to select enterprises and subjects to participate in the survey; identify challenges in implementing pilot and subsequent formal research on this topic; find out data processing methods and reliability of research data and figure out practical implications for Vietnamese businesses. The research topic has high theoretical and practical significance, contributing to suggesting many solutions related to enterprise innovation.
In the coming time, the Faculty of Economics and Management will conduct more seminars on a variety of topics to strengthen the sharing and connection in teaching and scientific research among the faculty members and the lecturers of the International School as well as other interested scientists.
Photo by: Nghiệm Xuân Hoa
Writer: Bui Vu Luong
Faculty of Economics and Management
On May 17, 2023, the Faculty of Economics and Management at the International School of Viet Nam National University (VNU) successfully organized two scientific seminar with two very interesting topics: “Paperless business inside Australian Banks” and “The influence of love and marriage on career paths from an Astrological perspective“. The speakers of the program were MS. Chu Huy Anh and MS. Phan Bao Trung – lecturers of the Faculty of Economics and Management. The seminar attracted the attention of faculty members and students of the International School.
During a presentation, MS. Phan Bao Trung, who has worked in Australia for 6 years, gave a detailed overview of the banking industry in the country. He particularly highlighted the significant growth of banking operations due to the use of artificial intelligence tools. The adoption of technology in banking has become increasingly popular and has led to impressive advancements in the operations of major banks in Australia. Mr. Trung presented several financial indicators such as market capitalization, profitability, debt recovery capabilities, and dividend payment ratios to demonstrate the financial strength and development of these major banks. The development of artificial intelligence is not only innovative but also a superior technological strategy, as evidenced by the stable performance of these banks during the Covid-19 pandemic in recent years.
Speaker Phan Bao Trung presented on the paperless business operations inside Australian Banks.
Australian banks, through their continuous artificial intelligence development policies, have not only simplified operations but also consistently introduced attractive products that appeal to various customer segmentations . The advantages of online services include interest payments, automatic deposit reporting, individual customer identification services, online positioning, diverse loan and mortgage products (flexible interest rates, flexible cash flow management and control, automatic valuation, online approval, web browsing, digital signatures, and digital land use rights certificates). Mr. Bao Trung’s research provides valuable insights for the development of banks in Vietnam, with both theoretical and practical significance.
At the seminar, the second topic introduced a captivating and relatively new concept to the audience, exploring how love and marriage can impact one’s career and life destiny from an astrological standpoint. The speaker, Mr.Chu Huy Anh, is a lecturer with more than 7 years of research and experience in the field of Astrology.
Astrology continues to be a popular subject of interest among researchers and enthusiasts due to its scientific basis and reliability, in contrast to fortune-telling. During the seminar, MS. Chu Huy Anh presented an overview of both Eastern and Western astrology, providing insights into a person’s character and destiny. By analyzing astrological charts, he explained how different zodiac signs can influence various aspects of life, particularly love and marital influences from different zodiac signs, with reference to the career aspect in particular.
Mr.Chu Huy Anh’s presentation captivated the attention of the attendees.
Astrology provides guidance for interpreting the roles of the “Spouse Palace” and the “Career Palace” in relation to emotional relationships and careers. During the seminar, the speaker provided a brief overview of the “Spouse Palace” and its interaction with the “Career Palace,” achieve the triple harmony among “Spouse Palace”, “ Travel palace” , and the “Happiness Palace” .” Additionally, a brief explanation of the “Career Palace” was presented, highlighting the combinations with auxiliary stars to determine career directions. If the “Career Palace” reflects the current career of one person, then the “Spouse Palace” has a direct influence on that one’s work. The strong connection between personal relationships and career has a significant impact on people’s lives and can alter their career path under astrological interpretation. Attendees found this research topic to be very interesting, appealing, and providing a fresh perspective on the relationship between love and career from an astrological viewpoint.
In the future , the Faculty of Economics and Management plans to continue organizing various seminar with the aim of promoting sharing and collaboration in teaching and scientific research among its faculty members and those of the International School , as well as scientists from both within and outside VNU.The seminar topics will also serve as research directions and open up opportunities for student participation. This will help cultivate a strong research-oriented mindset within the student community at the International School.
Duong My Hanh
Faculty of Economics and Management