On April 28, 2022, the Times Higher Education (THE) announced its Impact Rankings 2022 results. The Times Higher Education Impact Rankings is the only global performance table that assesses universities against the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Accordingly, Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU) was listed in Group 601 – 800 globally. Six other Vietnamese higher education institutions have also been listed in this ranking, including Hanoi University of Science and Technology (Group 601-800), Ton Duc Thang University (Group 601-800), Phenikaa University (Group 801-1000); and three first-time participants: Duy Tan University (Group 601-800), FPT University (Group 801-1000), Vietnam National Economics University (Group 601-800).
THE Impact Rankings calls for action by all countries for peace, equality and prosperity. It evaluates an education institution’s impact on and contribution to the social and human development as well as environmental protection.
Among the 1,406 universities from 106 countries/regions (with an increase of 228 institutions compared to 2021) ranked by the THE Impact Rankings 2022, VNU continued to be evaluated against 4 SDGs with a ranking score of 61 (an increase of 10.6 points compared to 2021); specifically, as follows:
– SDG 4 – Quality education: VNU was listed in Group 201 – 300 out of 1,180 participating educational institutions;
– SDG 5 – Gender equality: VNU was listed in Group 201-300 out of 938 participating educational institutions;
– SDG 8 – Decent work and economic growth: VNU was listed in Group 301-400 out of 849 participating educational institutions; and
– SDG 17 – Partnerships for the goals: VNU was listed in Group 801-1,000 out of 1,406 participating educational institutions.
VNU’s ranking results in the THE Impact Rankings 2022 (Source: timeshighereducation.com)
Ranking results of Vietnamese higher education institutions in the THE Impact Rankings 2022 (Source: timeshighereducation.com)
The number of Vietnamese higher education institutions ranked by THE Impact Rankings steadily increased from 2 in 2020 to 4 in 2021 and to 7 in 2022.
All 7 participating universities from Vietnam have received high scores for SDG 8 – Decent work and economic growth, with Hanoi University of Science and Technology getting the highest score of 70.3 points. However, only VNU was given a high score of 63.1 points for SGD 4 – Quality education.
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