TS. Lê Thị Mai

- Chức vụ: Giảng viên
- Học hàm, học vị: TS
- Ngoại ngữ: Tiếng Anh
- Email: mailt@isvnu.vn
- Địa chỉ: Khoa Kinh tế Quản lí, P208, nhà C, Làng sinh viên HACINCO, 79 Ngụy Như Kon Tum, Nhân Chính, Thanh Xuân
Bằng cấp
- Cử nhân: Kế toán và Kiểm toán
- Thạc sĩ : Quản trị Kinh doanh
- Tiến sĩ: Kinh doanh và Quản lí
Lĩnh vực nghiên cứu
- Hướng nghiên cứu:
+ E-marketing,
+ Consumer Behavior
- Các môn học giảng dạy
+ Kế toán Quốc tế,
+ Nguyên lí Marketing
+ Phân tích kinh doanh,
+ Hành vi người tiêu dùng,
+ Quản trị Quốc tế
Các công bố
- Le, T.M.; Liaw, S.-Y. Effects of Pros and Cons of Applying Big Data Analytics to Consumers’ Responses in an E-Commerce Context. Sustainability 2017, 9, 798
- Le, T. M; Hediasri, Nur A. D. & Liaw, S.-Y. (2018). A Cross-cultural Comparison in E bank based on Multiple Mediation of Trust. Contemporary Management Research, 13(9) – ISSN: 1813-5498.
- Le, T.M.; Liaw, S.-Y. How do Certification Label and Website Language Affect on Purchase Intention? A Cross-culture Comparison. The International Journal of Business & Management 2016, 4 (6)
- Le, T. M., & Liaw, S.-Y. (2017). Comparing Mediation Effect of Functional and Emotional Value in the Relationship between Pros of Applying Big Data Analytics and Consumers’ Responses. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 9(4).
- Le, T. M., & Liaw, S.-Y. (2017. Under Interruptive Effects of Rarity and Mental Accounting, Whether the Online Purchase Intention Can Still Be Enhanced Even with Higher Search Costs and Perceived Risk. International Journal of Business and Management; 12(8) – ISSN: 1833-3850
- Thao, D. T. T., & Le, T. M. (2019). The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure on Corporate Financial Performance. International Journal of Business, Economics and Management, 6(5), 264-288
- Le, T. M., Liaw, S.-Y & Bui, M. T. (2020) The Role of Perceived Risk and Trust Propensity in The Relationship Between Negative Perceptions of Applying Big Data Analytics and Consumers’ Responses. WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics, Volume 17, 2020, pp. 426-435. ISSN / E-ISSN: 1109-9526 / 2224-2899
- BUI, M. T., JENG, D., & LE, T.M. (2021) How Individual Experiential Fit Drives Mobile Platform Cocreation-supportive Behaviours in a Digital Business Ecosystem. WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics, Volume 18, 2021
- Pham, L.T., Phan,T.T.T.,& Le, T.M.(2021). The Impact of Tourists’ Emotional Experiences on Destination Image, Tourists’ Satisfaction and Willingness to Recommend. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS. DOI: 10.37394/23207.2021.18.131
Hội thảo Quốc tế
- Giang Thi Nguyen, Shu-Yi Liaw, Thi Mai Le (2021). Predicting Factors Affecting the Readiness of Big Data Adoptions: An Application of Data Mining Algorithms. Computing for Human. 2021, Danang, Vietnam – SCOPUS inde
- My-Trinh Bui, Don Jyh-Fu Jeng, Thi Mai Le (2020). How do individual mobilities drive platform equity in the business ecosystem via mobile app? 2020 Global Marketing Conference at Seoul, invited to Business Research Journal, Scopus Q1
- A Study of the Multiple Mediation of Trust in E- bank From a Cross-cultural Comparison between Indonesia and Taiwan. NETs 2017 International Conference on Internet Studies. Bali. Indonesia
- Effects of Certification Label and Language Choice of Webpage on Purchase Intention. International Conference on “Business, Economics, Social Science & Humanities-BESSH-2016. Seoul, Korea
Đề tài, dự án
- Đề tài cơ sở
- The role of the individual in the innovation ecosystem: Examining Fit, Identification, and co-creation behavior
- The Role of Perceived Risk and Trust Propensity in the Relationship between Negative Perceptions of Applying Big Data Analytics and Consumers’ Responses.
- The Impact of Tourists’ Emotional Experiences on Destination Image, Tourists’ Satisfaction and Willingness to Recommend
- Information Source And Destination Choice: Mediation Of Perception Of Covid-19 Pandemic Impacts And Perception Of Destination
- Đề tài cấp thành phố
- Nghiên cứu các điều kiện để triển khai mô hình trường học thông minh của Hà Nội