TS.Hồ Nguyên Như Ý

- Chức vụ: Giảng viên
- Học hàm, học vị: TS
- Ngoại ngữ: Tiếng Anh
- Email: yhnn@isvnu.vn
- Địa chỉ: Khoa Kinh tế Quản lí, P208, nhà C, Làng sinh viên HACINCO, 79 Ngụy Như Kon Tum, Nhân Chính, Thanh Xuân
Bằng cấp
- Cử nhân:
- Thạc sĩ :
- Tiến sĩ: Tiến sĩ Chuyên Ngành Quản Lí Công Nghiệp, Trường Đại Học Khoa Học Kĩ Thuật Quốc Gia Cao Hùng (Đài Loan)
Lĩnh vực nghiên cứu
- Hướng nghiên cứu:
+ Quản Lí
+ Chuỗi Cung Ứng,
+ Logistics
- Các môn học giảng dạy
+ Marketing Quốc Tế,
+ Nguyên Lí Marketing
Các công bố
1 Min-Chun Yu, Nguyen-Nhu-Y Ho*, Chia-Nan Wang, A Grey evaluation approach to measure Logistics companies’ performance, In 2016 International Conference Applied System Innovation (ICASI) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
2 Min-Chun Yu, Nguyen-Nhu-Y Ho*, Chia-Nan Wang*, A Grey Forecasting Approach for the Sustainability Performance of Logistics Companies, Sustainability, 8(9), 866, 2016. (SSCI paper).
3 Chia-Nan Wang, Min-Chun Yu*, Nguyen-Nhu-Y Ho*, An integrated forecasting model for the coffee bean supply chain, Applied Economics, 53(28), 3321-3333. (SSCI paper).
4 Thi Minh Ngoc Luu; Phuong Mai Nguyen*; Nguyen-Nhu-Y Ho; Danh Thang Phung, Antecedents of the intention to use electronic payment: evidence from individual and household retailers in Vietnam, Int. J. Electronic Business, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2021.
International Conference:
- Thanh Lam Nguyen, Kim-Phung Truong, Tien-Luc Tran, Nguyen-Nhu-Y Ho, Minh-Hung Shu, Using Fuzzy Logic Approach to Improve the Performance of Wireless Sensor Networks. (2013)
- Nguyen-Nhu-Y-Ho*, Tu-Anh Le, Improving market response capabilities for the international payment services at Vietnamese banks. Proceeding of International Conference on Green Technology and Sustainable Development, 2014.
- Nguyen-Nhu-Y Ho*, Min-Chun Yu, Chia-Nan Wang, A grey forecasting model of rainfall in Vietnam, Food Chemistry and Technology International Conference in USA 2017 (FTC-2017).
- Nguyen-Nhu-Y Ho* and Phuong-Huyen Do. A grey forecasting model for the coffee bean supply chain in Vietnam, ECEI 2020 (3RD EURASIAN CONFERENCE ON EDUCATIONAL INNOVATION 2020).
- Nguyen-Nhu-Y Ho, Phuong Mai Nguyen*, Phuong-Huyen Do, Huong-Trang Pham, and Nam D. Vo. Rainfall Prediction in Vietnam Using Grey Forecasting Model. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Human-centered Artificial Intelligence (Computing4Human 2021), Da Nang, Viet Nam, 28-October-2021.
- Factors Influencing Municipal Solid Waste Sorting Behavioral Intention: A Study Among Pupils in Hanoi Urban Areas. Quynh-Nga Nguyen , Hai-Yen Hoang , Nguyen-Nhu-Y Ho* and Thi-Thuy-Anh Tran. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Human-centered Artificial Intelligence (Computing4Human 2021), Da Nang, Viet Nam, 28-October-2021.
International Journal:
1. Min-Chun Yu, Nguyen-Nhu-Y Ho*, Chia-Nan Wang, Assessment of Performance Management of European Freight Transportation Industry, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Vol. 4 Issue 07, July-2015.
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