Office of Research and Partnership Development

Office of Research and Partnership Development




The Office of Research and Partnership Development is a unit of VNU-IS which provides advice to the Rector on monitoring and implementing scientific research; international and domestic cooperation; and managing activities related to public relations and library information.


Address: Room 304, Building C, HACINCO Student Village, 79-Nguy Nhu Kon Tum Street, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi

Tel: + 84. 024. 3775 7992 (ext. 29, 31)


No.Full namePositionEmail
1.Nguyễn Ngọc LinhDeputy
2.Nguyễn Văn HảiDeputy
3.Lê Duy TiếnDeputy
4.Đặng Thị Thuỳ Diễ
5.Nguyễn Thị
6.Nguyễn Thu Hạnh Hươ
7.Nguyễn Thị Liên Hươ
8.Trương Thị Hồng Quyê
9.Dương Thị Minh Tâ
10.Đinh Thị Thả
11.Nguyễn Thị Yế
12.Nguyễn Văn
13.Nguyễn Thục Quyê
14.Ngô Thị Bích ThuýJunior staff-member 


  1. Research activities

a) To assist the Rector to develop and distribute documents (regulations, guidelines) in managing research activities; 

b) To design development strategies and medium-term and annual plans for VNU-IS research activities;

c) To develop research programs, research proposal systems, design short-term, long-term, annual plans and contingency plans on R & D projects at  all levels; organize and implement investment research projects;

d) To fulfill procedures to appraise, approve, examine and assess the reports, research proposals and  projects at VNU-IS level in accordance with the current regulations on the organization and management of scientific research; propose rewards and handle violations in the implementation of research tasks;

e) To disseminate information related to domestic and international programs and projects to VNU-IS employees and lecturers; 

f) To supervise and inspect the progress of research implementation within its jurisdiction; receive and appraise research materials and products; archive and manage documents and records of research; 

g) To coordinate with concerned units in organising scientific conferences and workshops from VNU-IS level upwards; organise the meeting sessions of VNU-IS Scientific and Training Council; 

h) To collaborate with VNU-IS academic departments in proposing mechanism to develop specialized research groups as well as research products typical of each department;

i) To coordinate with relevant units in organising joint research projects with international institutions; 

j) To act a focal point to apply research results to teaching and other academic activities inside and outside VNU-IS; 

k) To coordinate with the Office of Personnel and Administrative Affairs in developing and managing scientific curricula vitae of VNU-IS staff and lecturers;

l) To collaborate with the Office of Planning – Finance in formulating research plans and budgets (if available). 

  1. Partnership development

a) To help the Rector develop and distribute documents in managing VNU-IS cooperation development activities; 

b) To develop domestic and international cooperation strategies, programs and plans; 

c) To act as a focal point to manage external scholarships and sponsorship programs; manage, examine and make reports on international joint training programs; collect information and make reports on inbound and outbound delegations;

d) To compose  documents on VNU-IS in foreign languages as assigned by the Dean;

e) To implement or collaborate with other units to organize, deploy and develop international cooperation programs and projects;

f) To promote VNU-IS image and prestige to domestic and international partners;

g) To seek sponsorship sources to promote faculty and student exchange activities with international institutions; 

h) To collaborate with the Office of Personnel and Administrative Affairs and relevant units in managing foreign lecturers, staff and students working and studying at VNU-IS as well as VNU-IS lecturers, staff and students working and studying abroad; 

i) To receive, appraise, instruct and handle VNU-IS staff’s and lecturers’ applications for overseas business trips and study; fulfill procedures for the Dean’s Board’s overseas business trips;

j) To archive, supervise and inspect the implementation of the agreements/contracts signed with domestic and international partners;

k) To manage and help foreign lecturers and students fulfill procedures for personnel and student management;  

l) To explore and develop new domestic and international collaborations in line with VNU-IS development strategy;

m) To promote and organize international lecturer and student exchange programs;

o) To act as a focal point to compose and manage documents on partnership development to be submitted to the Dean for approval; 

p) To act as a focal point or coordinate with concerned units to organise events on international relations as well as international lecturer and student exchange programs;

q) To develop and maintain cooperative activities with domestic and international partners. 

  1. Library information

a) To develop documents on library information management activities;

b) To develop short-term and long-term plans for library management activities and implement them upon the Dean’s approval; 

c) To receive publications issued by VNU-IS, appraise research works, conference documents, dissertations, theses of VNU-IS staff, lecturers and students, curricula, syllabi, lesson plans, and other donated items;

d) To collect, process, archive and manage documents; develop integrated searching system; set up automatic search and access network, build database; edit and publish printed materials according to the existing laws and regulations;

e) To assist readers to access, search and exploit material resources and information services at the library in accordance with the existing laws and regulations;

f) To assist readers, especially new students and staff, to use resources and databases at the library; regularly introduce new text books, materials, journals and research information;

g) To give staff and students an updated directory of latest abstracts of materials, textbooks, papers, journals, etc. 

  1. Public relations activities

a) To develop and manage VNU-IS corporate identity program;

b) To make and carry out plans to promote VNU-IS image;

c) To make and implement plans to improve internal communications within VNU-IS;

d) To make plans on production and management of products and printed materials using VNU-IS identity. 

  1. Perform other functional tasks as assigned by the Rector